Saturday, May 15, 2010

When lazyness hits you, you need to remember your commitment

"When you feel good,
you look good"  
~ When laziness hits you ~

Sometimes we all get lazy. Luckily enough I haven't gotten lazy workout wise, but blogging wise. It is not my strongest suits. But just like training, blogging is all about commitment. If you make a decision to commit to something you have to follow through with it.

Most people go back and forth. One week we are dieting, the next we are not. One week we are committing to training the next we are not. Your life then becomes a roller coaster and it's not good on your mentality or physique.

We all, even I struggle with it, think that it's just one biscuit, or it's just one extra rest day from exercise without thinking about the affects in the long run. What we do, what we eat, how we think is IMPORTANT every day, every minute. None of us are perfect but every minute counts, every training counts, every time you say NO to a bun or a bag of candy counts.

I've learnt through this Lean Eating program to think about the BIG PICTURE.
a) Every move counts
b) But also every break down should be immediately put behind you, it's over and done with, CLEAN SLATE POLICY

My struggles with this program still remains the nutrition part. My weakness is emotional eating and thinking I can eat what I want when I've trained a lot.

Big part of my problem is actually the mindset that underlies these behaviors. Here is a list of the assumptions I make that then lead to problem behaviors.

- I've burnt a lot of calories today
- I exercise so much so often that it doesn't matter
- Just one doesn't matter
- I'm PMS-ing 
- I'm sick
- I feel so bad, depressed etc. 
- I know how to work it off

None of these excuses gives me the right to binge or emotional eat. I have to think of every minute of every day and stick to the PLAN, eat right, exercise right and I will reach my goal of FITNESS.

Make a list today of your poor excuses. And whenever you are in a situation that you want to binge or eat that extra bun read the list through, be strong and make the right choice that will get you one step closer to reach your goal!

- Sara

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