you look good"
~Protein with every meal ~
Did you know plants have protein? Well if you didn't know, now you will learn that it is in fact true that plants do contain protein.
All plant foods contain all the essential amino acids. There is only one food that does not contain all the essential amino acids and it's an animal food- gelatin.
This new habit "protein with every meal" that was taken into our "new habits" is quite difficult at the end of the day to execute. I never thought I ate enough protein but I did think that when I ate protein that I used all kinds of good protein sources. However I was wrong, I ate very limitedly.
Lean Eating has opened my eyes for new and more sources of protein. It's really exciting and interesting tasting and trying new things.
Now here is a list of different plans foods with the protein percentage, go for it, try something NEW!
- Broccoli 27%
- Spinach 39%
- Cucumber 14%
- Celery 17%
- Squash 24%
- Asparagus 34%
- Artichokes 22%
- Mushrooms 43%
- Seaweed (most varieties) 20%
- Amaranth 16%
- Quinoa 14%
- Oats 17%
- Sprouted grain bread 20%
- Hemp bread 30%
- Lentils 30%
- Tofu 40%
- Kidney beans 25%
- Edamame 30%
- Tempeh 34%
- Veggie/Soy burgers 50%
- Soy sausage/bacon 53%
- Hummus 18%
- Peas 26%
- Refried beans 24%
- Seitan (wheat gluten) 77%
- Rice protein powder 77%
- Hemp protein powder 50%
- Soy protein powder 84%
- Pea protein powder 80%
Nuts and Seeds
- Almonds 14%
- Walnuts 14%
- Flax seeds (flax meal) 17%
- Hemp seeds (and hemp seed butter) 27%
- Peanut butter 15%
- Pumpkin seeds 23%
- Pistachios 14%
- Hemp beverage (milk) 23%
- Soy beverage (milk) 30%
For reference, compare to the following non-plant protein foods and refined foods:
- Human milk 6%
- Cow's milk (2% fat) 27%
- Eggs 33%
- Cheese 33%
- Lean beef 45%
- Salmon 44%
- White bread 11%
- Donut 4%
- Ice cream 7%
- Licorice 3%
- Jam 0%
- Big Mac 18%
- Sara
Listatut proteiiniprosentit kuvaavat ilmeisesti sitä, kuinka monta prosenttia elintarvikkeiden kokonaisenergiasta saadaan proteiinista. Tällä tavalla esitettynä parsassa on proteiinia jopa enemmän (34%) kuin kananmunassa (33%). Kuitenkin verrattaessa varsinaisia proteiinipitoisuuksia luvut näyttävät varsin erilaisilta: parsassa proteiinia on 1.2g/100g ja kananmunassa peräti 12.5g/100g ( Energiatiheydeltään pienempää parsaa tulisi siis syödä kananmunaan nähden kymmenkertainen määrä, jos proteiinia haluttaisiin saada massallisesti sama määrä.