"When you feel good,
you look good"
~ Clean slate policy ~This girl has been on the sick bed for a while now, that explains the silence on this blog.
Now this was and is usually something very typical. You decide to make a change in your eating habits or training habits and it goes on really well for a while, UNTIL you get sick.
The GREAT thing about Precision Nutrition they emphasize the 'clean slate' policy. If you fall off track, DON'T PANIC, just get back on track again, when you can.
I was really discouraged when the flue hit me and pulled me to bed. My eating habits went bad, either I didn't eat or then I made bad choices when I did eat. Obviously since I was sick I didn't train and I kept feeling guilty over it.
It's good to always keep in mind, this is life, good and bad times are bound to come around. We just push through them and start from where we left off, or worst case from the beginning.
I am finally feeling better and will go to the gym tonight to test the new gym program that we have started on. What follows the next 4 weeks is:
Monday - Gym, whole body workout
Tuesday - Interval training
Wednesday - Gym, lower body workout
Thursday - Active rest
Friday - Gym, upper body workout
Saturday - Interval training
Sunday - Active rest
I am excited to get going again and starting from a CLEAN SLATE with a positive mind and attitude!!
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